Friday, February 21, 2014

Random Things Friday

We'll it's Friday and all I have are a few random things so I'm declaring it "Random Things Friday".  Feel free to join me in the comments. I would love to hear from you!

Number One
The weekend is here!  Get excited!  What are your plans?  We are psyched to hang out with some good friends this weekend. Haven't seen them in a little while and it's time!

Number Two
My youngest got so upset last night. He has a gift for drama. He can go on and on irrationally for as long as we let him. Last night the problem was that he was not going to have as many box tops to take to school as some of his friends. He was devastated to say the least. He sat in his room crying for at least 30 minutes. That's a lot of drama for  a 7 year old boy, let me tell you. However, we made chocolate cookies and all was right with the world again. There's nothing a little chocolate won't fix.;)

Number Three
I lost my car key this week. Inside of my car. How did I know it was inside? Well, it's one of those keyless keypod things. It won't let you lock it in the car and when I couldn't lock it I knew. I looked, hubs looked and we couldn't find it. We really needed to find this stinking key so hubs prayed and asked God to help him. Well he said it wasn't a few minutes later than he had a urge to check the trunk again. So he looked in the trunk and decided to look inside of the jacket pocket in the trunk. Yeah, it was there. I put it there and forgot. Oops!  But let's not get side tracked...we found the key!  Aren't you glad God cares about the little things? The things that may seem silly and insignificant to others?  I'm in awe of the way He works out all the little details as well as the big ones. He loves us y'all!  He does!

So what are your random thoughts today. Let me know. Have a great weekend!


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