Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Moments That Matter

It was bed time and I was tired!  Mama tired.  You know the kind.  It goes like this…

I worked. I rushed to pick up the kiddos so that we could be back to the house in time to see the little boys’ case manager.  I talked to her for a while.  I got more than a little frustrated at the lack of answers involving the little boys.  I quickly got some dinner together for us because by now it was a good bit past dinner time.  I gave the littles baths. I calmed a couple of temper tantrums. 

Then my big boys came home from the soccer game and the whole routine started again.  This time with some big boy attitude and “do I really have to take a shower?”

**side note:  Why are my boys surprised every night to learn that they have to take a shower.  We have been doing this for a long time now.  Why must it be such shocking and horrid news every night?**

So anyway, I was mama tired!

My head was about to hit the pillow when I hear, “Mama!?  Mama!! Mama!!?”

It was my nine year old “baby” and I knew what he wanted.  He often says to me, “Mama, come kiss me in the bed.”

As I got all cozy in my bed I told myself to just ignore it and it would go away.  I mean, I had already hugged and kissed him twice for pete’s sake! 

But then I had another thought…a gentle nudge to my heart and I thought, how many more times might he ask me to do this.  One day all too soon he will stop.

So I got up, went in their bedroom and said “What?”

“Mama, will you kiss me in bed?”  As he grins that charming grin he has perfected as the baby of our family.

I smile big and lean down over his big brother to kiss him. 

At some point they are both pulling on me, I lose my balance and find myself right in the middle of my two babies.  Babies who are nearly as big as I am.  We laugh and kiss and hug. 

I take a mental snap shot and pray that this sweet memory never fades.  Because these are the moments that really matter.