Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of Spring.  What a great time of year!  A time of refreshing and new life.  A time to shake the dust off of flip flops and bring out those shorts.  A time of looking forward to the Summer and fun times ahead.

Beach times.  No school times.  Family trip times.  Low key times.

How fitting is it that I feel a little bit of Spring in my own life; my own heart.  I am starting to see a little of what might be coming our way.  We've had a long season of trimming back the vines, so to speak, and I'm looking forward with renewed hope as the blossoms began to peak out.  Although I'm not quite sure what fruit may grow, it is with expectation that I see these blooms and I can look forward.

God has made his presence so real lately by helping me to see his timing in everything.  This timing has been amazing.  This sequence of events, that I really had no control over, have all been a part of His plan. 

There have been some changes.  Changes that have felt like loss, but I know we will see the gain.  God had opened a door for us that would not have even been a consideration without these changes.  God has changed our minds.  He's changed our hearts.  He has made it all work together to point to His will.  I'm in awe!

I'm sorry to be a bit vague, but I'm not yet ready to share details with the world.  Just know that God has your steps ordered if you are called by Him and surrendered to His will.  He will bring the Spring but sometimes you have to walk through the bitter winter to get to it. 

Happy Spring with the promise of Summer right around the corner!

Expectation on little boy faces at an FSU baseball game!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday...Church, Work and Play

Here's a little fashion fun coming to you from my closet.  I'm linking with the Pleated Poppy.
Happy Wednesday!

For church it was a chevron high low dress from Ross
tights from Old Navy
riding boots
Fun night out to the batting cages.  Jeans and navy top from local boutique.
Statement necklace from Charming Charlie

Another church outfit.  Chambray top from Old Navy and skirt from Ross.
Lenny & Eva necklace.
For work the top is from Forever 21, zebra Toms and necklace from Charming Charlie's.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Mystery Revealed

I was lost. I was in sin.
You called my name; pulled me in.
Into your presence. Into Grace. 
A point in time. A decision was made.
I prayed, mercy and forgiveness, please give to me.
You answered and gave it abundantly.
The forgiveness, it was always there.
Waiting for me to surrender. My life laid bare.
You died on a cross.  A perfect sacrifice you made.
Taking on my sins along with the shame.
Because of your love, now I can live.
And from Your heart freely give.
I've been given the gift of forever.
No longer separated from my creator.
Hallelujah, my fate is sealed.
Christ in me, the hope of glory.  The mystery revealed.

The gift of salvation is free. You can't earn it and neither could I. No matter your past. There's no sin too horrific or no actions too unforgivable. God will forgive if we ask with a repentant heart. He will meet us in the deepest , darkest dungeon of our sin. He offers freedom instead of chains. Peace instead of turmoil. Love instead of rejection. Joy instead of sorrow. Make a decision to surrender your life to God. Make a decision to belong to Him but free from sin. You will never regret it!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

From My Playlist: How Deep the Father's Love

This is one of those songs that ministers to me every time I hear it or sing it.  The lyrics are just so rich.  It has a hymn feel and if asked when it was written, I would have guessed the 1800s.  However, I found out just this past weekend that is was written in my generation, 1995 to be exact!  I think that's pretty awesome.

 It was written by Stuart Townend but the video below is a Skillet cover.  Enjoy and let the truth of these words wash over you today.