Monday, April 13, 2015


Doxology, simply put, is an expression of praise to God.  Scripture is filled with doxologies.  The author is usually writing along on whatever the topic and the goodness of God seems to overwhelm them and they stop to praise Him in their writing. 

It’s an overflow of praise that comes from knowing the truth of God.

One example was in our Sunday School lesson yesterday morning.  We were studying I Timothy, chapter 6 and the main theme is contentment.  Oh that’s a hard one that we’ve probably all struggled with at one time or another and I’m not going there today.  But my favorite part of the lesson was the doxology we touched on at the end of class.

In 1 Timothy, chapter 6, Paul is instructing Timothy on doctrinal truths and then he interjects praise to God.  The truth of God and his goodness caused Paul to stop and give Him praise and recognition.  To recognize the reason He was writing the letter to Timothy in the first place and the reason they should live their lives “keeping the commandment without spot”.  He writes in verses 15b-16:

He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power.  Amen.

This is true worship and it comes from knowing the truths of God.  Knowing what God’s word says and it being written on your heart.  Because when you think on these things it causes a response…a response of praise and worship.

I can think back to so many doxological moments in my own life.  Sometimes His goodness stops me in my tracks and I have to just sit in awe of him or throw my hands up in worship or weep with joy because of his love; his mercy.

I attended a ladies service this past weekend and we sang a song I haven’t sang in a long time but it is perfect for what I’m saying today:

When I think about the Lord
How He saved me, how He raised me
How He filled me, with the Holy Ghost
How He healed me, to the uttermost
When I Think about the Lord
How He picked me up and turned me around
How He placed my feet on solid ground
It makes me want to shout
Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus
Lord, you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor
And all the praise.

Be reminded today of the goodness of the Lord and what he’s done in your life.  Stop and give him praise for it.  He’s worthy!

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