Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Broken to Beautiful: Part 4

Sweet homemade Valentine from my guys.
So the beginning of the last part of this story started around March of this year.  We were going through a very hard change (read part 3 here) and we were praying about whether or not to try again to have a baby.  The doctor had told us, once again, that he saw no reason why I couldn't have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.  However, a huge part of me didn't want to go through that loss again.  So there was that and we were just really hurting about leaving our church when we got a dinner invitation.

The invite came from a great couple who we knew, had grown up with and been around in different seasons of our lives, but had never really hung out with a whole lot.  (If that makes sense...) It was a random invitation orchestrated by God.

The dinner was good and just what we needed.  We had so many things in common (we were going through very similar situations) that I believe we were able to minister to one another.  God is pretty amazing like that.  He always brings exactly who and what you need at exactly the right time.

That night in some of our conversations, it was randomly brought up that they had started the M.A.P.P. class.  M.A.P.P. stands for Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting and it is an 8 week class that is required for foster parenting and state adoption.  This sweet Godly couple said that they were gonna go through the class and see where God lead them.  They were saying that by taking the class it didn't mean you had to get licensed to foster but it was a step in that direction.  My sweet friend said, "Y'all should go to the next class with us.  You only missed the introduction, the first class starts this week."

We said OK and that we would think about it and that was it.  I honestly didn't think too much more about it.  You see, adopting has always been in the back of our minds, but fostering I shied away from.  I didn't think I could do it.  I didn't think I could deal with the hurt and loss that it would involve. 

The next couple of days my friend and I were texting and she mentioned the class again.  So I asked Roddy what he thought about just trying the class out.  I really thought he would say no not right now.  But, without much hesitation at all he said, "Yeah, let's try it.  What do you think?"  I said ok. 

So we went.  And listened.  And just like that our path was changed. Sometimes the ugly of the world is forgotten, kind of "out of site, out of mind".  Well this ugliness was in our faces.  It was as if God was saying, "Here are my little children.  They need you.  They need love.  They need Me.  What are you gonna do about it?"

We made a decision that first night.  I can't say it was a solid yes, (because this yes would definitely waver over the next months) but we knew there was no going back.  This was what God was asking us to do and it was up to us to obey.

There were a few details about taking this class that may not seem like a big deal, but for us it was the push, the green light, we needed to go forward.  First of all the class was held on Wednesday nights.  We had never been at a point in our lives where we weren't committed to church on Wednesday nights, but here we were, not committed and available.  Secondly, the childcare was provided.  The classes were held at a church with a good kids' program and our boys were welcomed.  Then, for the extra time the class went after church was over, more childcare was provided for us.  How awesome is that?

God opened this door for us, wide.  He worked out the details.  We just had to show up.  So we did,  week after week.  As I look back now, it was a good season for us.  God was using the time to heal us, to prepare us.

(Wedding fun in June.) 

By June, after mountains of paper work, two home visits, Craig's List purchases, one fire alarm, one new door knob, etc. etc....we had the class and the home study done.  All we had to do was wait for approval from the proper state authorities.

Now, I'm gonna be real and honest.  I'm the kind of person who has to think through every possible scenario, good and bad, to prepare my mind.  I needed to think through this whole foster thing and examine every crook and cranny of what could happen.  Needless to say I drove Rod crazy.  Countless times I would come to the conclusion that we couldn't do it.  There was just no way.  And every time Rod would remind me, no we can't do it.  But God can do it through us.  He was my good dose of perspective many times over (and still is).

July 4th gorgeous beach
Watching fireworks on the beach.

On July 24, I got a text that afternoon that said, "Congratulations, you are now a licensed foster home!"  I was excited, but I panicked.  Then I decided to breathe again.  I knew we had a trip coming up and we asked to not get a placement until after that trip.  So I knew I at least had a couple of weeks to finish prepping.

Us in St Louis

We went on our trip and came home.  I fully expected to have a placement the week we returned.  But over the next three weeks, we got probably four different prospective placement calls that didn't work out for one reason or another.

I now know that God was still preparing us for the two little people he had for us and late one September evening, in God's perfect timing, those two littles showed up at our home.  Four little arms were wide open thirsting for love.  Four little arms clinging to us with all the strength they had.  Two hearts needing to be rescued.

It has been a privilege these past few weeks.  An exhausting, very hard, overwhelming, emotional roller coaster privilege.  But, what an honor to be able to pour into theses little lives.  To love on them as much as possible, fight for them and pray over them daily. 

Precious little feet.

I'm not saying I have it all together, all the time.  There are moments of thinking we can do this and then moments where the fears and doubts creep in.  Sometimes, the only thing I have energy for is to say the name Jesus.  It's enough. 

Jesus, It's the name I whisper as I get them out of their beds in the morning and the last name I whisper as I put them down at night.  Because only He knows their story.  He is their rescuer. 

He has rescued me.  And everyday He makes the broken beautiful.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Marvelous Monday (insert sarcasm)

Marvelous Monday, you aren’t my friend.
Marvelous Monday strikes again.

The kids are grouchy. Mama is too.
Get out of bed, put on your clothes, comb your hair and don’t forget your shoes.

Marvelous Monday, I know you have to come
But why, oh why do you leave me feeling stunned?

Hurry, hurry, we are late!
Put that pop tart on a plate!

Lunches thrown together; anything to fill their gut
Mama, I have homework!  What?

The chaos is over.  I have a second to breathe.
Marvelous Monday you bring me to my knees.

I can make it.  Soon Monday will be behind.
All I ask is, “Tuesday, please be kind.”

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Broken to Beautiful: Part 3

It's been a while.  I was procrastinating again because it's hard.  But I need to finish this part of my story.  I need to get it all out to give God all the glory.  Join me?  Read the intro here, part 1 here and part 2 here.  Be Blessed!

Christmas 2013
It probably started about 2.5 years ago.  The gentle urging in our spirits.  The whisper from the Lord asking us to change, to step away from the familiar and the known.  What he was asking was something so difficult for the both of us, that we ignored it for a while.  When ignoring was no longer possible, we prayed.  We prayed for two years and then prayed some more. 

You see, this was one of those changes that we didn't want to get wrong.  We wanted to know that it was God's will for us.  After much prayer, many conversations and even more tears we finally said yes.  It was the hardest yes I've ever had to say to God and as a wife to my husband.

In January, we made the decision to leave our home church of about 20 years.  To say this was home is a gross understatement.  Rod and I met at this church when we were only youth, participating in youth mission trips and doing drama together.  We married there.  We had our babies while there and it was the only church they knew.  We've shared so many memories and made so many dear friends.  Friends that will forever be family.  A lot of our blood family attends and my dad is the Pastor.  It was home.  Leaving was one of the hardest, if not the hardest, things I've ever done.

Home is familiar and safe.  Home is where everyone knows you.  They've seen some of your good and some of your bad and they still love you.  Home is security and stepping away from that is scary.

There was also another very personal inner struggle I had going on inside of  me.  We had been the Worship Leaders for about 13 years.  That's pretty much our whole marriage.  Letting this go was extremely difficult for me.  I love to sing.  Leading others in worshiping our wonderful God is my passion.  But, He is my biggest passion and to obey Him I had to let this title go.

I couldn't let "worship leader" define me.  Because really what God has placed in front of us as a way to serve Him could change at any time.  Just because the way we serve changes, it doesn't change who we serve.  He is the same.  It's His love and saving grace that defines who I am.

So , I gave this to God and if He wanted me to lead worship again, I would and if not I would learn to rest in that.  Has it been easy?  No way.  But the bottom line is I trust God.  Period.

It's almost been eight months since we stepped out into the unknown and God has been faithful.  God has lead us to a new church home with loving and awesome people.  A place where we are growing and being challenged in our walks with God.  Rod is playing guitar and I am singing with the worship team.  Our boys are thriving and growing in their relationships with God. Roddy is also going to seminary school online.

We didn't leave our church because of a disagreement.  We weren't mad or upset with anyone.  We were following the leading of the Lord.  I am only saying this because that is the case with so many.  However, we were heartbroken, kind of like leaving home when I went to college.  I was excited for the next step but I cried myself to sleep that first night away from home.  With time that hurt healed and with time this hurt is healing. 

I praise God for those 20 years and will be forever grateful for those people who poured themselves into me so that I might be able to empty into others. My relationship with God was nurtured and grew.  I was blessed with many relationships that I will cherish forever. 

This was a big step we had to take that lead us to the next big yes for our lives.  In fact I think everything in our lives this far have lead us to this yes.  I will tell you all about it in part 4...