Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday: My Little Family

I do hereby declare every Thursday, Thankful Thursday here at Ebb and Flow
There’s a verse that God brings to my mind often, in fact it’s hanging on the wall of my office.

In everything give thanks.  For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
~1 Thessalonians 5:18

I hung it up on my wall as a reminder because it’s so easy for me to just waller (I’m pretty sure that’s a word) in discontentment with this or that.  I have to remind myself to give thanks in everything.

You know, sometimes you can just get bogged down in everything that’s wrong instead of focusing on everything that’s right. 

Why is it God’s will for us to give thanks in everything?  When you focus on finding something to be thankful for in every situation something inside you will shift.  It’s an attitude adjustment, if you will. 

So really this practice is therapy for your soul.  So welcome to Therapy Thankful Thursday.  Feel free to share what you’re thankful for in the comments or share your blog post.

It is not happy people who are thankful;
It is thankful people who are happy. 

I’ll start with my little family.  I can always, always thank God for them and it will bring a smile to my face and my heart.  These are pictures from Easter.

Through fostering, there will be new faces added to this picture and forever added to our hearts.  Some may stay a short while and maybe one day there will be one (or more) that will stay forever.  But in any of those seasons, I will give God thanks for the precious children He has entrusted in our care.

And this man.  This vow.  This God ordained union.  I am thankful every day.  Through the good, the bad and the ugly.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Hello to Nine

Today my baby turns nine. 

This mama is struggling with this because obviously nine is no longer a baby.  But, my baby he is.  My second and last born. 

He’s changed our world these past nine years.  He’s teaching us how to be parents in a way his brother never has.  He’s funny.  Witty.  Charming to a fault.  He’s always working an angle.  Always up to something. He approaches life as one big court room in which he is the lawyer and everyone else is the jury that needs convincing.  He’s affectionate and still needs those hugs and kisses. 

His personality is so different than mine that sometimes I wonder how he grew in my belly.  I struggle to understand him.  But then other times, I sit back in amazement at the way God created him.  And I realize God has a purpose for this fire cracker that I could never imagine. 

So today instead of saying goodbye to a baby boy, I’m saying hello to a future orchestrated and written by our heavenly Father.  He loves him more than I do.  I trust Him to write a beautiful story for our Car-Man.

Hello to the last year in the single digits.

Hello to pre teen years.

Hello to growing in His faith.

Hello to his contagious love of life and his ability to make us laugh.

Hello to the privilege of seeing his ninth year unfold and being able to guide him as best we can.

Happy Birthday to one of the loves of my life!

He requested Walmart Cupcakes.  Yuck!

I'm linking with Lisa Leonard.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

WIWW: Fun tees and a maxi skirt.

What I Wore Wednesday is a just little fashion fun.  Please know that I am not a fashionista, by any stretch of the imagination.  I just enjoy a little fashion fun and a little motivation to keep from dressing in jeans and a t-shirt everyday.  Because at my job that is perfectly acceptable.  Keeps me young and cool from feeling too old.
I'm linking with The Pleated Poppy.
So here it is, my latest photos taken with my phone in my closet with all of its' organized chaos. ;)
It's spring and I've been loving my maxi skirts lately.  I get bored with jeans and this is a very comfortable alternative.  Add a soft Old Navy tee, a little jewelry and I feel perfectly comfortable and somewhat put together.
The maxi is from Old Navy too and the necklace is Premier.

I found this tee at Cato.  How true?  I also wore it with the above maxi skirt.

And speaking of t-shirts, how awesome is this one?  I really think I need it...

It's been raining so much here so I brought out the rain boots and wore them with black jeans and a button up chambray.

That's all for now.  Happy Spring and happy maxi skirt wearing!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Saying Goodbye

So our foster journey has changed...

Almost two weeks ago, our two Littles left our home.  After seven months with these precious babies, we said goodbye.  It has been an adjustment and our hearts are sad, but there is a very good side to this story because God has been so good in the whole situation. 

Let me tell you all about it…

(First I need to say that I want to share as much of our story and our experiences as possible without sharing too much of the Littles' story. My prayer is that one day they will share their own stories and give God all the honor in doing so.)

Over the past months, we were asked several times if given the opportunity, would we be willing to adopt.  We always replied that we would consider it but never a definite yes.  We never felt at peace with saying yes for sure.  Although we love them (and always will) and knew that they would have a home with us as long as needed, we didn’t feel released to say yes to forever.

This bothered me badly (putting it mildly) for a long time.  I couldn’t say yes, but I couldn’t let these precious little people go somewhere that I didn’t know, without doubt, that they would be loved, safe and most importantly taught about the Lord.

I was letting this internal struggle torture me.  Let me tell you, this wasn’t good for me or anyone in our home. 

One morning on the way to work, I began to pray about it.  Serious prayer with my Father because I couldn’t carry the burden any longer.  

Enter peace that passes all understanding…

Goodness I’m stubborn.  I could have just given it to God in the beginning.  And you know what?  I told myself that I had, but I hadn’t. Not really.  God is good and I thank him for His patience with this stubborn chick. ;)

It is here that I need to interject another side to this story.  Our two Littles have an older sister.  She’s five and she’s precious.  She was (and still is) placed in a local foster home only a short distance from our home. 

Over the months we had developed a relationship with her foster parents who are dear, Godly people.  It was a blessing to walk the crazy journey that is foster care alongside them.  We were often able to pray for each other and encourage one another. 

They said yes to adopting big sister if given the opportunity and after some time God began to deal with them about adopting all three siblings.  That part is their story to tell but I’ll tell you it was pretty awesome the way God orchestrated. 

So about a week after my surrendering the situation to God, the other foster mom was having her own struggle.  After much prayer and confirmation from God, they decided they would be willing to adopt all three kiddos but didn’t know exactly where we stood on our end.  They didn’t want to hurt us and were just generally struggling with how to talk with us about it.

I was out of town for work and she called me.  She said she had to talk with me and began to tell me how God was leading them and how they don’t want to hurt us at all.  As she talked, I began to cry silent tears.  God was taking care of the situation in a way I least expected.

After she finished talking, I told her how this was an answer to prayer and she began to cry.  I had church with this sweet friend standing in the hallway of the hotel.  We were both astounded at the goodness of God.

Later she told me how terrified she was to have this conversation with me and how bathed in prayer it was before she even picked up the phone. 

Oh let me tell you, our God is good!

Very soon after, it was decided that it was best to go ahead and place all three kids in the other foster home.  So we spent about two months with the kids having visits with their new family to allow for an adjustment period. 

Then just before the kids moved, we had the privilege of taking them to Disney for Spring Break.  This was a special week for me, Roddy and our boys. 

Now they are in their new home and although the journey isn’t over, we know we can trust God to continue to work things out for all of our good.  They are doing well and adjusting fabulously.  I get pictures of the kids from my dear friend every day and I can’t even began to say what a blessing that is.  We are so blessed to be able to continue to be a part of their lives as aunt and uncle and can’t wait to see what God has for their future.

Saying goodbye has been hard.  But, we are so fortunate that this isn't the typical foster goodbye because it's not goodbye forever.  It's very hard to explain the emotions but this I do know...

Where joy and sadness meet, God is there also!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

From My Playlist: Trials...can they be blessings?

Struggles, hard times and difficult situations are all around us. We are either struggling with a problem ourselves or know someone who is. 

Sometimes, as believers, we pray asking God to take care of a situation and we feel like our prayers are hitting a brick wall and bouncing back to us. We feel like there is no change in the situation and God isn’t there. 

Other times, we see God answer our prayers.  We see the amazing way he works things out.

But today, it’s the times we don’t see the answer that I’m thinking about.  In these times, it might be that victory comes in getting to the point that we can give it completely to God.  To rest.  To trust Him.  To know that he will have his way and his ways are good.

Sometimes the trials bring us closer to God.  We don’t choose them, but we can look back and see God’s hand in them.

God always has a reason for the struggle; the trial.  We aren’t promised tomorrow and we aren’t promised a life without trouble.  However, we are promised that he will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), He knows the plans he has for us, to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11), that if we pray about everything the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4: 7), that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13) and so much more…

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

Monday, April 13, 2015


Doxology, simply put, is an expression of praise to God.  Scripture is filled with doxologies.  The author is usually writing along on whatever the topic and the goodness of God seems to overwhelm them and they stop to praise Him in their writing. 

It’s an overflow of praise that comes from knowing the truth of God.

One example was in our Sunday School lesson yesterday morning.  We were studying I Timothy, chapter 6 and the main theme is contentment.  Oh that’s a hard one that we’ve probably all struggled with at one time or another and I’m not going there today.  But my favorite part of the lesson was the doxology we touched on at the end of class.

In 1 Timothy, chapter 6, Paul is instructing Timothy on doctrinal truths and then he interjects praise to God.  The truth of God and his goodness caused Paul to stop and give Him praise and recognition.  To recognize the reason He was writing the letter to Timothy in the first place and the reason they should live their lives “keeping the commandment without spot”.  He writes in verses 15b-16:

He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power.  Amen.

This is true worship and it comes from knowing the truths of God.  Knowing what God’s word says and it being written on your heart.  Because when you think on these things it causes a response…a response of praise and worship.

I can think back to so many doxological moments in my own life.  Sometimes His goodness stops me in my tracks and I have to just sit in awe of him or throw my hands up in worship or weep with joy because of his love; his mercy.

I attended a ladies service this past weekend and we sang a song I haven’t sang in a long time but it is perfect for what I’m saying today:

When I think about the Lord
How He saved me, how He raised me
How He filled me, with the Holy Ghost
How He healed me, to the uttermost
When I Think about the Lord
How He picked me up and turned me around
How He placed my feet on solid ground
It makes me want to shout
Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus
Lord, you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor
And all the praise.

Be reminded today of the goodness of the Lord and what he’s done in your life.  Stop and give him praise for it.  He’s worthy!